Hailing from Liverpool in the north of England, Thaumiel (AKA Vince Kamski), is a Brighton based sound artist & sound designer. With a background in live music performance and a keen interest in delving into the more artistic applications of sound, he came to study Digital Music and Sound Art at Brighton University, graduating in Summer 2023.
Thaumiel has explored and experimented with a vast range of sonic mediums over the past 3 years, ranging from tracks incorporating field recordings, creating short AV pieces, all the way to circuit bending kids toys to give them a new spin on life.
Alongside his sound and music works and before moving to study in Brighton, he was involved with the local LGBT scene in Liverpool as an activist. He was a part of the Museum of Liverpool’s Tales from the city exhibit from 2017-2019 in which he donated personal effects showcasing his lived experience as a trans individual. As well as the exhibit, he has worked on various film projects surrounding experiences of being a young queer person with indie film company Thinking Film.
Thaumiel continues to look for new ways to highlight the importance of sound and music in every instance of our lives.
THAUMIEL (thau·mi·el)
Concerned in traversing the link connecting science and sound, Thaumiel’s philosophies focus on the physicality & psychology of sound, the humanisation of technology, and the prospects of life outside of what we can possibly know.
Inspired by the weird, the eerie and the uncanny, through ambient sonic textures, droning sub-bass tones, audio visual works highlighting loss, and creating sound objects with upcycled kids’ toys, his work covers a sensitive, but curious, part of the psyche. Thaumiel aims to present a new (and existential) perspective on just how influential, physically & emotionally, sound really is.
Parallel to his artistic work, his academic research work focuses on the more scientific side of sound, looking into how frequencies effect the body and how these said frequencies can be used for either healing or harming.
His latest release, grAIn, is a two track EP of recorded modular synth improvisations in which he experimented with different synthesised textures to create an ambient environment.
Thaumiel is currently working on a sonic installation that utilises infrasound, inspired by the research he did on sonic warfare and how different frequencies effect the body. This project, currently untitled, will explore the ways in which we think about AI and autonomous machines, the link between infrasound and ghost sightings and the uncanny valley.